Besides the Region of Lombardy, other public and private partners with experience in biodiversity and Natura 2000 take part in GESTIRE




Lombardy Region

The Directorate General “ Environment, Energy and sustainable development “ of the Lombardy Region is in charge of the coordination of the Natura 2000 Network according to regulatory law . 357/97 under article 25 bis of regional law 86 from 1983, tending to aspects regarding the promotion and evaluation of the conservation and management measures of the network’s sites. The direct management of the sites is entrusted to specific sites management bodies, often coinciding with national or regional protected areas. Since 1996, the Region has taken active participation in different Life Natura projects which promoted many communication activities on the Natura 2000 Network .




CTS is a National not-for-profit association founded in 1974 and recognized by the Ministry of the Environment as an environmental association since 1992. CTS is also officially recognizes as a national not-for-profit organization by the Ministry of Home Affairs and is registered in the National Research Registry and in the National Registry of social promotion associations. In the environmental field it operates in three areas: nature conservation, sustainable tourism and environmental education. Partner of many organizations such as the Ministry of Environment, of Education, of Social Affairs, of Agricultural Policies and of Cultural Heritage, as well as national research institutes like CNR, ENEA and ISPRA and other public and private bodies, CTS has/is taken part/taking part in many LIFE projects.



The staff of Comunità Ambiente includes naturalists, biologists, architects and journalists with a great deal of experience in the nature conservation field at a European level, with special focus on the establishment of the Natura 2000 Network, management and assessment of Natura 2000 projects, naturalistic studies on ecosystems and species. Amongst its main clients, there are some public organizations, such as the European Commission, the Ministry of the Environment, the Provinces of Rome and Terni, the City of Florence . The study of species and ecosystems as well as the implementation of projects for the identification of Natura 2000 Sites, enables Communita Ambiente to gain an up to date knowledge concerning planning issues for the conservation of nature.



ERSAF, the Regional Agency for Agricultural and Forestry Services, is an operational body of the Lombardy region founded in 2002, that carries out technical and promotional activities in the field of agriculture, forest, rural development and natural resources management and protection, with a multifunctional and integrative approach. ERSAF is mainly active in the following sectors: support to the Region of Lombardy for the programming and management of agricultural policies, territorial planning, protection of non renewable resources and civil protection; support to the development of the strategic agricultural and farming industries and protection of the forests. ERSAF directly manages 15 Natura 2000 Sites in Lombardy and has participated in 6 projects financed by the European Program LIFE in the last 10 years.




The Foundation of Lombardy for the Environment , carries out research, education and information activities that mainly concern the study and protection of biodiversity and protected areas and of problems linked to the protection of the environment from pollution, and the dissemination of a modern and science-based environmental culture, also thanks to the organization’s editorial publications. The “Biodiversity and Protected Areas” Department of the Foundation has been supporting for many years the regional and local policies, developing projects for safeguarding habitats and species, also directed towards implementing the Natura 2000 network.



Founded in 1965, the Italian League for Bird Protection has as the scope of protecting nature, specially referring to natural habitats and wild birds. LIPU follows its own objectives through the creation of specific projects, the management of 30 oasis and reserves and 12 Centers for the Recovery of wild fauna, and also with the organization of educational and raise awareness campaigns. LIPU is a not-for-profit environmentalist association, recognized by the Ministry of the Environment and the President of the Republic of Italy, as well as a scientific research organization and a volunteering association, and is the Italian partner of Birdlife International – the first worldwide network of associations for the conservation of birds and biodiversity – and a member of IUCN.




Cariplo Foundation

The Cariplo Foundation is one of the main banking foundations at national and European level and it is active in the areas of scientific research, art, culture, environment and social services. The Foundation acts upon the subsidiary principle and aims at working together (and not substituting) with civil society organizations working for the common good. Ever since its foundation back in 1991, the Cariplo Foundation has financed more than 25000 projects promoted by nonprofit organizations, for a total of 2,2 billion euro granted. Since 2007 the Foundation has been launching the Call“ Protection and valorization of biodiversity” through which numerous interventions and feasibility studies have been financed.